Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Canning Update!

Ha! So I did it! It's 61 degrees here today, so, since there is no way in Heaven I'm going to make the kids go swimming, I decided to make and process some salsa! I followed the Zesty Salsa recipe from The Ball Blue Book, and I can't wait to eat it!

The only annoying part out of the entire deal was peeling those darn tomatoes. Yes, I know, score them, boil them, and then plunge in ice water! I know the drill with peeling them. But these tomatoes did not want to get naked this morning! Chopping the peppers and onions were a breeze compared to that. But it got done!

Everything chopped and ready to cook up!

After only ten minutes of simmering, this mixture was ready to process! So, once I got past peeling my shy little tomatoes and everything else was all chopped up, it went along pretty well.

Cooked down and ready to process!

After 20 minutes of boiling water, here are my three lovely jars! Yes, I know, only three, but I'm starting out small. I actually halved the recipe in the book (the book said it was okay to do that with this recipe, thank goodness!).


I hope it tastes as good as it smells and looks! It was fun trying something new! Next step, canned nectarines!

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