Thursday, August 22, 2013

Circles and Faces!

Just a quick little post from little old me! Just about done wrapping up the first week of school, and I wanted to share these cute little snacks we made this week. CLG has been making an "All About Me" book, and one of the first things she did was to look at different faces and then try to draw her own face.

Give her a break...she's only just about 4!
Handout is from the book Learn at Home Grade K

She's been having great fun putting all of this together, and the activities have been right up her alley (Love love love the Learn at Home series!) Our favorite one this week, though, was making a snack that looked like her face. We started with a rice cake:

And lookie's a circle! This led to a completely different conversation linking to our study of circles this week!

I gave her a choice of jam or peanut butter to put on the rice cake to help glue the face on. She chose jam, so I spread that on for her:

Looking yummy!

For the eyes and nose, CLG added yogurt covered raisins:

Cute as a button!

Then an apple slice for the smile and grapes for the ears:

Yes, I know, her "ears" are actually cheeks. Again, she's not quite four!!

CLG loved making her circle face snack almost as much as she enjoyed eating it! Oh, and CLB just couldn't resist making one either:

Now, him, he's in 3rd grade...I gave him grief about the "ears" a bit :)

This snack was adapted from an activity in the book, Learn at Home Grade K, published by American Education Publishing

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